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Signs of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes and midges ("Muggies") can make life unpleasant. Constantly having to track down that high-pitched whine can be a pain. And when you’ve found the culprit there always seems to be another one waiting in the wings.

So why is your home or business particularly attractive to mosquitoes and how can you be sure of mosquito identification?

  • Mosquitoes often make that all-too-familiar high pitched whine.

  • Bites are an obvious giveaway, ranging from mildly irritating to intensely inflamed with swelling. Only the female mosquitoes bite humans, where the males will feed off nectar and other sweet things.

  • The adults are attracted to still-standing water including water butts, water trays from house plants and water bowls, where they lay their eggs.

  • You might spot them walking upside down on ceilings and glass surfaces.

  • Mosquitoes travel a long way so if there’s standing water within a kilometre or two of your home, it may be the source of your problems.

  • Mosquitoes might also be attracted to your lawn or shrubbery if it is well watered.

Mosquito Identification and Elimination

Our SAPCA (South African Pest Control Association) certified technicians are experts in the habits of gnats and mosquitoes. They can provide the best treatment for your particular problem as well as advice on how to keep these insects at bay.

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